How to make sure Flash or Video content on the site does not overshadow my NextBee widget popup?

If you are manually editing your HTML file, then please add the following parameter to the OBJECT tag (for the flash content) and add the following parameter to the EMBED tag: wmode="transparent". If you are using Dreamweaver then Dreamweaver can insert the correct HTML code automatically for you.

  1. In Dreamweaver, insert the Flash movie into an HTML page.
  2. Select the Flash movie in the Design View.
  3. In the Properties panel, choose Parameters.
  4. For the Parameter, enter "wmode" (without quotes). For the Value, enter "transparent".

Finally, if the flash movie is something that you created then the right HTML for a Flash movie can be created using the Publish Settings feature in Flash. The Publish Settings dialog box provides an option to affect the WMODE setting. The options selected in the Publish Settings will be added to the HTML source code automatically:

  1. Choose File > Publish Settings. Select the HTML tab.
  2. Choose "Transparent" in the WMODE setting to make the Flash movie's background disappear in browsers which support this feature.
  3. Publish the document.
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