How do I optimize my referral email to get buzz on Twitter?

Similar to Facebook, Twitter presents unique opportunity for you to get viral buzz from the referral recipients (who after receiving a referral - a strong endorsement from a friend have high trust score for your brand). Here are some of the ideas that we have seeing working really well. You can ask users to add a new post with specific hash tag (#) that can be there to promote event, ask question to your customer service, ask for referral specific promotion, or even support for charity mission sponsored by you. These hash tag posts are very powerful way to coalesce your community interactions on Twitter and in turn get more attention, more buzz. You can also have ready to use link that creates a new Twitter status update for users (with your specified message). You simply have to include this link and add in a message under 140 characters after the "=" sign.

If you are active on Twitter, then do make sure to include links to your company Twitter account, links to Twitter accounts of your vocal employees, and even small snippet of recent posts on Twitter.

Grab on this opportunity to put front the social and personable face of your brand in these messages because with a personal message from friend, you have best chance to engage user and get him/her to be part of your social network circle. None of the Twitter follower scheme will give you as good as results you will get from having such optimized referral emails from your customers.

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