What are the options to include coupon/discount offer for the referral recipients?

There are a number of different options to include coupon/discount offer for the referral recipients

  1. You can include a coupon code and detailed description about the discount offer by updating the campaign configuration parameters on "Edit Terms" page of your campaign setup flow.

  2. If you are looking for user specific special discount offers then you can include a parameterized or dynamic value for such discount in your referral message (e.g. letting user who has made purchase for an item sharing coupon code for the same item with friends/family) by setting values for referralMessage and referralSubject by implementing custom overrideNextBeeParams function on your site

  3. If you are a premium and enterprise customer then get the details from your account executive on how to customize the referral message content (including referral recipient offer) that is specific to a product (or SKU).

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