What is a Referral Reward Points Campaign?

A referral reward point’s campaign offers users points credit whenever they get a friend or family member to make a purchase on your site. Users can also broadcast their personal invite links (and referral tokens) on social media or discussion forums. When you get a new customer through referral from users our system automatically credits users for the referral sales/sign up.

You can offer fixed credit per transaction or some multiple of order amount (e.g. 5% of order amount). Users can redeem these reward points and get the rewards as per the reward tiers you setup in your account. Each reward tier specifies the point count corresponding to a tier and gift cards, coupon codes, or cash that users will get in lieu of their points. NextBee provides all the necessary scripts and interaction widgets for users and businesses to manage the campaign.

Looking for a Referral or a Loyalty Program?
NextBee has robust and feature rich platform
We guarantee your ROI
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